“We offer solutions for older clients who face legal issues that are unique to their age group.”
“Serving clients with respect and honesty since 1990.”

Nursing Home Assistance

When you are arranging nursing home assistance, you want to know that the nursing home staff will provide assistance in a dignified, safe manner. Peace of mind for you or your elder loved one is the main goal. At the Law Offices of Debra G. Speyer, we discuss the different living arrangements available to you or your loved one, depending on your needs.

Guiding you through tough decisions

If your elder charge has reached the point where they cannot take care of themselves, the decision-making must go to another person. This can be a very stressful time for everyone involved. Older individuals may not be used to relying on others for their needs. You may have the best intentions but not know where to begin. Our office will be pleased to assist you in sorting out the various options.

Sorting through your nursing home

When you or a loved one requires the assistance of a nursing home, the Law Offices of Debra G. Speyer will help you understand your rights and options. Contact us to find out what an experienced nursing home attorney can do for you.